Thursday, August 11, 2016

Cyprus: What's Wrong with This Picture?

Cypriot Government requests extension of MOU with US that authorizes the detention, seizure and repatriation of undocumented artifacts of Cypriot origin to Cyprus because they "may be stolen."  For more, see here.

Mayor of Paphos, Cyprus, accuses antiquities service of stealing artifacts; antiquities service says not stolen, just undocumented.  For more, see here.


  1. It has come to my attention that 30 or more comments against the ﹰCyprus ﹰMﹰOﹰU extension have been inadvertently entered under the Peru docket. This is not too surprising since the webpage notice of the hearing mentions both the Cyprus and Peru MOUs, but only provides a link to the Peru docket. Can anything be done to move these important commements to the correct docket?

  2. I noticed that and contacted Prof. Gerstenblith of CPAC. They will make sure all go in the correct docket. Best, Peter


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